Where to Buy

Love our products but want to buy in person?

*Please note: not all items are found at each location.
You can find So El Paso food items at the following locations:

Whole Foods - El Paso Salsa de Mesa and Salsa de Alameda only
100 Pitt St.
El Paso, Texas  79912
(915) 236-1420

Total Wine (El Paso)
The Fountains at Farah
8889 Gateway Blvd West Building C620
El Paso, Texas  79925
(915) 225-3175 

El Paso International Airport
6701 Convair Road
El Paso TX 79925

7933 N. Mesa St. # N
El Paso, TX 79932
(915) 584-1183

1530 Lomaland
El Paso, TX 79935
(915) 594-0162

Desert Moon Emporium 
4400 N Mesa St #2
El Paso TX 79902
(915) 262-4200